Recipe Editor tips
Here are some tips for editing your recipes. For information on all the fields in the recipe editor, see this article.
Entering Ingredients
The Ingredients tab lets you enter each ingredient in several parts:
- Quantity (amount)
- Measure (cups, ounces, etc.)
- Ingredient name (olives, flour, etc.)
- Instructions or notes (chopped, drained, etc.)
Breaking each line up like this helps produce better results when doing recipe scaling, shopping list generation, and nutrition analysis.
To type (or paste) in ingredients quickly, you can switch to the Free-Form Ingredients tab and enter one ingredient per line. Like this:
1 cup olives, chopped
To insert a heading in your list, use a line formatted like this:
*My Heading*
When you're finished, switch back to the Ingredients tab and make sure everything has ended up in the correct boxes. If not, make adjustments as necessary.
Formatting Recipe Steps
For best results, use a numbered list (click the button in the toolbar) to number your recipe steps. This allows Recipe Tamer to recognize each individual step so it can do things like highlighting the current step when you're cooking a recipe.
If you need to insert some notes ahead of or after the instructions, you can do that outside the list. And you can have multiple lists with headings in between (for example, one set of steps for the cake and one for the icing).
Special Symbols
We'll take care of some things for you automatically when you save your recipe:
- Fractions: Enter fractions like "1/2", "2/3", and "1 1/4". We'll convert those to "½", "⅔", and "1¼".
- Degrees: Enter temperatures like "350F" and "175C". We'll insert the degree symbol for you, so you end up with "350°F" and "175°C".
Adding Images and Attachments
There are several ways you can add images (pictures) and other attachments (like PDFs or documents) to your recipe:
- When you are editing a text field (like the Notes), use the image selector button (
) to upload or select an image that will be inserted into the text. You can then resize or rearrange it.
- Use the Attachments list to attach images or other files to the recipe. These will be listed on the recipe view page, but will not appear as part of the text the way images do when you use the image selector.
- Use the Featured Image selector to select the main image for your recipe (shown as the thumbnail in search results). You can select from images you have already added to the recipe, or add a new one.
Note: we suggest that you do not include images in the Instructions section, as images can make it difficult to read through the recipe. Instead, use the Notes section to show pictures for the steps if you want to do that.
If you insert links to images on other Web sites, Recipe Tamer will download the images and save a copy with the recipe.
Linking to Other Recipes
If you want to insert a link to another recipe, click the button to open a recipe search window. Find and select the recipe you want. If you have text already selected in the editor, that text will be turned into a link. Otherwise, the title of the recipe will be inserted and it will be linked to the recipe.
Cleaning Up Formatting
If you're having trouble with weird formatting somewhere in your recipe (this can happen especially if you've pasted it from somewhere else), you can strip out all formatting by selecting the troublesome text and clicking the format eraser button ( ).
Advanced Editing
You can view and edit the HTML markup by clicking the </> button. Stay away from this if you don't know what you're doing. And if you know what you're doing, don't get carried away. We strip out some markup when you save the recipe (including class names and scripts).