Viewing a recipe

Once you've created a recipe you'll probably look at it sometimes. You probably don't need instructions for that, but here are some useful things to know  about the view page.


You can set the rating right here, without going back to the Edit page. Just click the rating you want.

Step Highlighting

If you have formatted your recipe instructions as we suggested (with a numbered list), you can highlight the step you're currently following. Just click/tap that step and Recipe Tamer will emphasize that step so you don't keep losing your place every time you look away.

Tip: a lot of printed recipes are optimized to fit within minimal space (or are edited by people with better short-term memory than I have), and their "steps" often contain several steps. Here's a secret: you don't have to keep the same step breakdown that the original has. Break steps into smaller parts if you want, to make it easier to highlight the part you're on.


After you've prepped or used an ingredient, you can cross it off the ingredient list by clicking on it. Click again to un-cross it.

History Notes

At the bottom of the recipe is a section called History. Here you can make notes each time you make the recipe. This is useful for all sorts of things:

  • Record notes about how things went with the recipe—what adjustments you tried this time, or might want to try next time.
  • If you served it for guests, make a note of whom, and whether they liked it. Save yourself the embarrassment of serving the same thing next time they're over (especially if they hated it).
  • Make a note of the wine you served, with the dish, and how that went.

Maybe you just want to keep track of the fact that you made it today, but you don't have anything to say. That's OK—just add the note with no text. By default that note won't show up next time you view the recipe, but you can check the Show all history box to display it.

Check the Update last made date box to do just what it says: the Last Made date will be updated to the date of the note. You can also set the date by editing the recipe.

Tip: I have a recipe with the instructions for feeding my sourdough starter. Each time I feed it, I add an empty note to help me keep track of feedings.

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