Using Labels

Labels provide a way to tag or categorize recipes. Each recipe can have as many labels as you want, or no labels at all. You can use labels however works best for you, but here are some tips.

  • You don't need to create labels for all the ingredients in your recipe. You can search for recipes that contain (or don't contain) particular ingredients just by typing the ingredient name in the search box.
  • But you might want to use a label to identify the main ingredient. For example, if you like to be able to easily find or exclude all of your broccoli recipes, or all of your tequila-based cocktails, you could assign labels for those things.
  • ...Or for favorite or despised ingredients. If someone in your household (or who comes for dinner often) won't or can't eat a particular food, using a label for that food makes it easy to filter your recipes when looking for something suitable.
  • Use labels for concepts. That is, for things that are important but don't appear anywhere in the text of your recipe. For example:
    • Cuisine type. To categorize by national, regional, or ethnic origin. For example, "Italian," "Oaxacan." 
    • Meal type or dish type. For example, "Appetizers," "Entrees," "Soups," "Tapas," "Cookies."
    • Dietary or nutritional information. For example, "Vegetarian," "Gluten-Free."
    • Cooking method. To make it easy to find all your grilling recipes, or all your sous-vide recipes.
    • Personal affinity. To easily keep track of each household member's favorite recipes. For example, "Gina's Favorites" or "Charlie won't eat this."

Nested Labels

Labels can be nested within other labels (like sub-folders). For example, If you're really into Italian cooking, you might want to classify recipes by regional origin as well rather than just labeling them all "Italian." You would create labels for "Italian/Abruzzo," "Italian/Liguria," etc.This will allow you to drill-down when filtering labels from the search page.

To create a nested label, enter the levels separated by a "/", just like in the example above. If you enter "Italian/Liguria," Recipe Tamer will create an "Italian" label if it doesn't exist, and then a "Liguria" label under that.

When you assign a nested label to a recipe, you don't need to also assign the higher levels. If you label your recipe with "Italian/Liguria," it will also be listed when you select "Italian" on the search page.

Managing Labels

You assign labels to recipes when you edit them in the Recipe Editor.

To rename, delete, or reorganize labels, go to the Labels section of your account.

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